Welcome to the Best and Hard Riddles site!
In here we provide as many hard riddles and puzzles as we can, complete with their answers/solutions, of course. We're trying to limit it only to the best and hard riddles, as our goal is to challenge your wit and give a little brain teaser. However, some tricky puzzles with silly answers are somewhat unavoidable, so let's consider that as a joke.
Browse through our category to find your favorite hard riddles:
Detective Riddles
If you love Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot, it's time for you to learn to solve murder mysteries, thievery, or frauds, just like them. Probably not as complicated as novels, but these short stories are still need a lot of thinking to solve.
1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20
Funny Riddles
This is the category to refresh your mind when you feel tired of solving hard riddles. It's meant only as a joke, so the solutions are not something that you should think it thoroughly.
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30
Letter and Word Riddles
Fun, difficult, deceiving, and probably harder for non-English speaker. Nonetheless, this is the favorite of many people. Give it a try!
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30
Logic Riddles
Definitely not for the lazy mind. You will need to use every grey cells in your brain to solve these kind of puzzles. Read thoroughly, find the clues, use your imagination, those are the keys to find answers of these hard riddles.
1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15
Math Puzzles
Do you hate math in school? Then you'd probably hate it even more after entering this section. Math and numbers can be fun if you can solve it, otherwise...
1-10 | 11-20
One Line Riddles
Probably the easiest category in this site. Just read one line of question and then solve it! Try this when the other sections already felt too hard for you.
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 (Food Theme) | 31-40 (Blonde Theme)
Optical Illusions
If working with text bores you, then it's time to try visual puzzles. They don't require you to think much, but you need to watch for every details, and see things from different perceptions.
How Many Faces 1 | How Many Faces 2 | The Missing Words | The Hidden Tiger
Poem / What am I Riddles
Poems are probably not everybody's favorite, but many still fancy them. Can you guess what am I after read few lines of poem?
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 (J.R.R Tolkien Poem Riddles)
The Hardest Hard Riddles
Finally, our main course! Do you dare to try solving the hardest riddles, including the one created by Albert Einstein himself? Visit this section only if you have what it takes!
Einstein's Riddle | Who's The Killer? | Moral Dilemma | The Missing Dollar | How Many Airplanes?